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Automobile & Mobility Research and Insights

Automobile & Mobility Research and Insights

The Automobile and mobility industry is busy grappling with defining mobility in the 21st century. There is a rethink of the very notion of what a vehicle is and how it might be used. automobile and mobility are a global industry characterized by fierce competition, ever-increasing customer demands, credit sensitivity, and environmental challenges, therefore market research is crucial to make informed decisions about the future. Several disruptions are taking shape in the automobile industry such as automobile subscription models, omni channel sales models and consumer and regulators’ demand for improved sustainability, fuel efficiency, and alternative energy sources.

What We Do

Novus Insights, one of the leading automobile market research companies in the world, provides varied and broad automobile and mobility research and analysis, which leverages years of extensive experience across the industry in many countries. We deliver accurate automobile research and insights’ reports to help:

  • Focus strategic marketing position for the brand in the automobile and mobility sector

  • Capitalize on emerging automobile market and product trends

  • Identify new non-traditional markets for automobile technology

  • Identification and focus on the competitive differentiators for decision-makers

  • Benchmark best practices and alignment of the internal resources

  • Gaps and opportunities’ mapping in the customer journey and decision process

  • Energize marketing messages, tools, and sales efforts

  • Initiate and test new ideas, concepts, or prototypes

  • Prioritize product and technology direction for R&D and Engineering

  • Create a Performance Measurement Program to track improvements

360° Expertise for Comprehensive Industry Coverage

Business Challenges We Cover

With vast expertise in the automobile industry and operational excellence, our market researchers and analysts always aim to deliver high-end research services, including primary research, tech-driven research, and corporate & strategic research. We deliver creative automobile research solutions using scientific thinking, advanced analytics & modeling, in-depth insights, and strategic recommendations. Our reports are used by OEMs, systems and component suppliers, aftermarket suppliers, automobile dealers, and automobile financial service companies.


New product design research

New product design

User Simulations

User Simulations

Feature Refinements

Feature Refinements

Product Ideation

Product Ideation

New technology research

New technology research

Prototype/Concept Testing

Prototype/Concept Testing

Product Development & Testing

Product Development & Testing


Car Clinics

Car Clinics

Market Dynamics

Market Dynamics

Emerging Segments

Emerging Segments

Market Opportunities

Market Opportunities

Key Influencers

Key Influencers

Competitive Position

Competitive Position

Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness


Client Feedback

Client Feedback

Performance Indicators

Performance Indicators



Target Marketing

Target Marketing

New Markets

New Markets

Initial buyer survey

Initial buyer survey

Product/Service Refinements

Product/Service Refinements

Acceptor- Rejector Surveys (ARS)

Acceptor- Rejector Surveys (ARS)

Customer Segmentation & Need Analysis

Customer Segmentation & Need Analysis

Branding & Communications Research

Concept Testing

Concept Testing

Campaign Evaluation

Campaign Evaluation

Brand Health Tracking

Brand Health Tracking

Media Measurement

Media Measurement

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